On a journey to unlock financial freedom through real estate investing

Let’s start with the answer first. We’re on a journey to unlock financial freedom through real estate investing. But how did we get to this point? Well, I think it's a story most might be familiar with.

Have you ever been close to a professional or financial milestone in life and thought to yourself - “once I achieve that, then I’ll have enough”. Once I get that bonus, make that much money, or have that much saved up, then it will be enough. Then I will spend more time with family, doing the things that bring me joy in life, or give back to the causes that I care about most

I can speak on behalf of my family and say we definitely have. But what really happens? We get there and it never is. We enjoy our success and triumph for 15 minutes, but then it’s back to our old thoughts. What if I lose my job? What if we have a large, unexpected medical or life expense? Do I have enough now? Will I have enough then? 

Or maybe we want more. More freedom to spend time with family rather than just a few hours after work. More freedom to travel and experience life without having to worry if it fits in our budget. More freedom to give back bigger - with our resources AND time - to those who need it most. 

And let’s call out the elephant in the room: our current jobs can’t give us that security or freedom we are forever chasing.

After spending a lot of time (I’m talking years) doing our research, tackling tough conversations, and wrestling with many questions, we finally figured out our “what”: we were going to generate passive income through real estate investing.

We are going to make our money work for us through real estate investing. Every minute of every hour of every day. Through real estate investing ?

Now that we have our what, you’re probably wondering how. And what next? If you’re interested in unlocking that same freedom and continuing this journey with us, follow along.


There’s a reason we called it a journey