There’s a reason we called it a journey

There’s one thing you should know about real estate investing before we go any further: this path is NOT for those who are looking to make a quick buck or generate wealth overnight. That’s likely not the most profound thing you’ve ever heard (and most would say, ‘no duh’), but we believe that it’s important to be transparent and manage expectations from the very start.

Quite frankly, there aren’t many paths to overnight wealth, either, so why should real estate investing be any different and that’s ok with us! We believe the best things in life take time, dedication, and hard work.

Back to my original point - there’s a reason why we call this a journey and not just a quick trip. Luckily for you, we’ll stick together each step of the way and have already started to put in the work! Here are some of the actions we are going to take to make sure the journey is smooth:

  • We will be meticulous when determining where to invest and when identifying potential properties.

  • We will only move forward on deals when we believe we can protect the investment and deliver exceptional returns.

  • We will only partner with people who have a proven track record of winning and have the same high level of standards of doing business.

  • We will be transparent with our investors as we execute the business plan and communicate progress throughout the lifecycle of the deal.

  • And finally, we will make sure to educate and inform our investors along the way.

And to the last point, we take investor education very seriously. This is some of the content you can expect from our team along this journey so that you can be confident when you are ready to invest: 

  1. What you need to know about real estate investing and where you can learn more (you shouldn’t just take our word for it - there are many other out there who have gone before us)

  2. What type of real estate investments we are focused on and why

  3. (Spoiler alert!) Multifamily real estate 101

  4. The team that helps us win

  5. Our business plan and how we are going to protect the investments we make

  6. Other deep dive topics explaining multifamily real estate investing (e.g. what types of projects are we interested in, which markets are we targeting, key terms to be a savvy investor)

And this is just the beginning! If there are any other topics you would like to learn more about, please email me ( or Patricia ( We are always glad to connect and dive in further!


What is multifamily real estate investing & how does it work?


On a journey to unlock financial freedom through real estate investing